RunThrough Chase The Moon Olympic Park 5k

19:00 Wednesday 14 February 2018

Open event details in new window
Distance5 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Possibly but no certificate at present
Accuracy details
LicenceProvisional Licence
Water stationsYes
Venue facilitiesToilets Baggage Cafe
Race limit800
Event listingEvent listing at Run Britain
Our RunThrough Chase the Moon series at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is back on Wednesday 14th February! With a couple of months to go until we start to see longer days and bring back our Chase the Sun Series why not join us on your Wednesday evenings for a unique 5k and 10k event around the Olympic Park. Racing around the incredible grounds of London 2012′s Olympic Park, the flat and fast course is the perfect opportunity for a chip timed personal best. Starting at 7pm, you can chose to run a quick 5k or take on a full 10k. At the end of the race you will be rewarded with your well deserved Chase the Moon themed medal! Racing around the incredible grounds of London 2012′s Olympic Park, the flat and fast course is the perfect opportunity for a chip timed personal best. Starting at 7pm, you can chose to run a quick 5k or take on a full 10k. At the end of the race you will be rewarded with your well deserved Chase the Moon themed medal!

Further information may be found at:

Location map link:
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, London, E20 3AB