Test Track 10 Events - 10k Run

10:00 Saturday 18 May 2024

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileUndulating
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailshttp://coursemeasurement.org.uk/detail.php?area=South&no=2023426
LicenceFull Licence
Water stationsYes
Venue facilitiesSubstantial free parking Indoor pre-race waiting Large bag store Indoor registration Pre/Post race massage Indoor rest rooms Refreshment facilities Chip Timing Water stations Pre-race warm-up Accredited course Virtually traffic free Fully marshalled course Participant medal Winners medals Spectators welcome
Race limit100
Event listingEvent listing at Run Britain

The Essex based employees of Ford Motor Company Ltd have been members of the St Luke's Hospice corporate partnership since 2011. As part of that partnership Dunton Technical Centre are proud to be able to host the annual Test Track Ten event on behalf of St Luke's Hospice in Basildon. The first Test Track Ten took place in February 2011 after members of the St Luke's Hospice fundraising team approached Ford Motor Company Ltd to ask if it was possible to use the Dunton site in Laindon as a venue to host a charity running event. After several meetings, the concept of the Test Track Ten was born and the first event was organised. The success of the first event in 2011 encouraged the teams from both St Luke's Hospice and Ford to work together again to make the event annual in the hope of providing a bigger and better event year-on-year. With a continued increase in participants and with the fantastic feedback received over the past seven years, both on the day and through social media, the Test Track Ten has become the biggest sporting event that St Luke's Hospice hold with 600+ registered participants each year. The event is open to all abilities of runner from novice to club runners looking to set PB's and we are also proud to welcome racing wheelchair entrants and regular walkers looking for a challenge. Race directors, Kerry Chambers (St Luke's Hospice) and Dave Gwilliams (Ford) are both very passionate about the event and strive to make each year more of a success than the last. They are continually looking at ways to improve the event and increase the levels of participation. They rely heavily on volunteers to help make the event run smoothly and they are both proud to say that the volunteers they use are as committed as they are in ensuring the safety and welfare of the participants. The enthusiasm and encouragement they show throughout the event is one of the many things that makes this event so unique.